Lalaji was great advocate of education in India. He wrote a book on the subject. ‘The Problems of Education in India.’ He listed following institutions as the good efforts in the field of education in India—
1. Mohammedan-Anglo Oriental College, Aligarh
2. D.A.V. College, Lahore
3. Central Hindu College, Benaras
4. Ferguson College, Poona
5. Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar
6. Tagore School, Bolepur
7. National Council of Education, Calcutta
It should be noted that Lala Lajpat Rai was against penance, renunciation, self-abnegation and asceticism. He wanted the education to destroy these tendencies. He knew Sanskrit and Arabic but felt that the ancient languages should not be forced on everyone. Only historians and researchers may find it useful to know such languages.

Instead of old languages he was in favour of educating youngmen in foreign languages. He believed that the education of English was essential for the progress and awakening of future India. Lalaji was critical of Gurukul type of education system. He was all for co-education. He thought the segregation of sexes was unhealthy which already had cost Hindu society dearly.
Education of Patriotism
Lalaji believed that one of the main objectives of the education should be to inculcate the spirit of patriotism in the students. During that period patriotism was main ingredient of education in England and France. For this purpose he had made following suggestions for the aim of education—
1. To awaken patriotic feelings among the children.
2. To get children know about the rivers of the country.
3. To tell children about animals and birds.
4. To educate children on the climate and seasons.
Lala Lajpat Rai believed that education must teach pride for being an Indian and being born in the land of India. For him anyone born in India was an Indian irrespective of his cast and creed. There was no place for communal rivalry in India. Hindus and Muslims must live together peacefully forgetting their communal identities. He said that there was no country in the world where there was only one race.
He said that communal division in India was creation of foreign rulers to serve their own interests.
He was for physical education in schools and colleges. There were no provisions or facilities for it in educational institutions in India. Lala Lajpat Rai had recommended a health programme for students to the government based on the following programmes—
1. Health examination
2. Healthy atmosphere in homes and schools
3. Education on health problems
4. Physical exercise facilities.
Lala Lajpat Rai worked for gyms, playgrounds and swimming pools in schools.