Egg Ego (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l Raw egg
l Hard-boiled egg

Can you tell the difference between a raw egg and a hard-boiled egg? They look and feel the same, but here is an easy trick.

  1. Spin a raw egg on a hard surface, such as a counter or tabletop. (Don’t let it fall off the table or you’ll have quite a mess to clean up!) The egg will slow down very soon and move in a floppy, random fashion.
  2. Now spin a hard-boiled egg. The egg acts quite differently this time. It will spin easily and may stand up on end. You will also notice that it spins for a much longer period of time.

This Is What Happens:
The hard-boiled egg is of nearly uniform density throughout its interior. The raw egg, on the other hand, has a loose, runny composition, and the shifting contents slow down the motion of the egg.

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