In which pot- the short, wide one or the tall, narrow one-can we poach an egg faster?
Things Required:
A tall, narrow pot
4 cups of water
A slotted spoon
A short, wide pot
2 raw eggs
A timer (optional)
Pour two cups of cold water into each pot.
Place the short pot on the stove over a medium flame. After the water has boiled, carefully break open one of the eggs and slip it into the water. Set the timer at two minutes or count 120 seconds. (You do this by saying, “And 1, and- 2, and 3,” and so on up to 120.) Then quickly remove the egg with a slotted spoon.
Repeat the process with the egg in the tall pot, again allowing it to cook exactly two minutes.
This Is What Happens:
The yolk of the egg in the tall pot gets harder than that of the egg in the short pot!
Science Behind It:
Because the boiling point is higher in the tall pot, the food cooks at a higher temperature than in the short, wide pot. Therefore, it takes a shorter time to cook.