
The Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty was a humble and devout Buddhist. He was a national hero because he was a very good minister and military leader. He often visited a Zen master to study under him. The Prime Minister was not proud of being a great and famous leader and deeply respected his master. One day, he asked the master, “What is egotism according to Buddhism?” The master was otherwise a soft-spoken and calm person, but at this question, he turned red in the face, looked at him angrily, and in a very insulting tone of voice, shot back, “What kind of a foolish question is that?” The Prime Minister was taken aback by the master’s angry response. He felt insulted, and became angry with the master. The Zen master smiled and said, “You see, you responded in egotism.” This is ahamkara (egotism).

Moral: Actions speak louder than words.

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