Emile Berliner

Emile Berliner was born on 20 May, 1851, in Germany. Although he was born in Germany yet he was an American inventor. He is known for developing the disc record gramophone that is known phonograph in American English. In 1895 he founded Berliner Gramophone Company in the various cities  listed as below:

Gramophone Company in London, England, in 1897, Deutsche Gramophone in Hanover, Germany, in 1898 and Berliner Gramophone Company of Canada in Montreal, in 1899.

He took an apprenticeship to become a merchant; this was the family tradition of him although he was interested to do something new at every time. He also invented the microphones. That time, this was one of the first types of the microphone. This was the enhanced telephone transmitter and patented by the Bell Telephone Company. While later, the patent was affirmed invalid by the United States of Court Appeal. The gramophone was patented in 1887. He passed away on 3 August, 1929.

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