Emma’s Bad Habit

Emma was a sweet little girl, who loved candies. No matter how many candies she ate, she always wanted to have some more. She had the bad habit of popping even thrown-away candies into her mouth. Her mother often warned her, “Emma! You’re going to spoil your health, if you keep popping candies from the road.” She did not pay attention to the warning. One day, Emma was playing with her friends when she saw something like candy lying in dust. ‘Huh, looks like a candy!’ thought Emma in glee. “Pop,” and she had swallowed it. At night, she was rushed to the doctor when she complained of a severe stomach pain. “What’s the metal-like object I see in your X-ray picture?” asked the doctor. The doctor immediately operated upon Emma and removed a coin from her stomach! Emma was so scared that she never ate things from the road again.

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