Satisfy Your Technical Appetite
Engineering and Medical professions are those destinations of ones career, whose craze is still the same as it was even 3 centuries ago. With the changes happening all over, new career oriented education and courses are more talked about than traditional education system, but the popularity of engineering is still maintained. Young people are very much interested in engineering courses. Every year more that 1,50,000 people appear in the IIT of the entrance exam to test their fortune, out of which only 2500 candidates get selected. The craze for engineering courses can also be seen in entrance exams of other reputed institutions like Roorkee and BIT. All over India more than 500 institutions offer courses in this science. Therefore, Engineering is one such field where there are ample prospects for a bright future.
Engineering has a deep relation with the country’s development and growth. There is always a great demand for young, capable and trained Engineers along with development projects. There was a time when only IIT, Roorkee and other few institutions used to take entrance exams in Engineering. But in today’s changed scenario different Institutions are offering degree & diploma courses in Engineering.

Young men-women who are looking for possibilities of a career in the field of Engineering, should choose those institutions where the possibilities of success is more. Today the position of Engineering education is quite satisfactory in India. Except from Institutions of like Indian Institute of Technology established in Kanpur, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kharagpur, and Mumbai; there are other Universities, Zonal Engineering colleges, Regional Engineering colleges and Engineering colleges of private zones, which are established all over India. There are different formalities and admission criteria in these institutions. In most of the Institutions, admission is based on entrance exams, but some Institutions grant admission on the basis of marks obtained in 10+2. The similar system for admission is adopted by Institutions like Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, Regional Engineering Colleges (R.E.C.) and other selected colleges. There is a system of taking normal fees for half of the seats of the institution and for rest half of the seats they charge around 8 times more fees than general fees. Normally these seats are called “Free Seats” and “Paid Seats” respectively (e.g. in REC Kurukshetra). Various branches of Engineering are made available for young candidates in the form of attractive options.
Some of the major branches of Engineering are as follows:

  • Civil Engineering : In this branch of Engineering, theoretical and practical training is given regarding different activities related to the construction work. Civil Engineer gets training in information related to planning, production, design, survey, functioning, and implementation of construction of all type of buildings.
  • Mechanical Engineering: Under this branch of Engineering, trainees are educated in the working operation of big machines, servicing of machines, workshop operation, machine designing and production. Mechanical Engineers are required an almost every field.
  • Electrical Engineering: Under Electrical Engineering, trainees are taught about electric instruments, production of motors, work systems, electric production etc.
  • Computer Engineering: Computer Engineering includes training regarding architecture of computer hardware, production of its model and its working.
  • Chemical Engineering: Chemical Engineering is deeply connected with the fertilizer production, production of chemicals and other useful chemical products of industrial importance. Chemical Engineers are in great demand in industries viz,. Fertilizer, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Chemicals Cosmetics, etc.
  • Automobile Engineering: Under this branch of Engineering, one is taught about the designing of a motor vehicle, their prototypes, testing and at last their commercial production. Young people trained in this branch of engineering can get appointments in major automobile companies, service centres, and other repairing centres.

Marine Engineering: In this branch, trainee were taught about the design of ships, and boats and servicing, maintenance and testing of various mechanical and electrical equipment on ship.
Metallurgy Engineering: In this branch of Engineering training is given for the development of new metals in specific conditions and making mixture of metals according to need.
Aeronautical Engineering: In this branch of Engineering training is given in designing of aeroplanes and their production work. Guidance of these specialists is very important for maintenance of planes and for undertaking of different repairs.
Mining Engineering: Under mining engineering detailed knowledge is given in regard to excavation of minerals, designing of mines and their production work.
Environment Engineering: In this branch of Engineering training is given in regarding uprooting of environment pollution. Deep study of different substitues which make human life more healthy is taught with the universal awareness regarding Environment. There is a great demand for trained people in this field.
Telecommunication Engineering: In this branch, training is given regarding different techniques being used in the field of communication. Telecommunication specialists analyse communication specialists analysis, communication system, radar, navy communication system, satellite etc., with the growth of Telecommunication field, there is a great demand for trained people in this branch.

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