Louis Bernard Rabaut, in the year 1822, invented the first espresso machine, which used steam as a medium to allow hot water through ground coffee to make espresso. In the year 1833, Dr. Ernest Illy invented the first automatic espresso machine. In Italy, Angelo Moriondo from Turin, built an espresso machine in 1884 but his machine became a part of history. In 1901, Luigi Bezzera from Milan brought improvements to the machine created by Angelo and became the first person to make an Italian coffee machine. His machine was made of copper and brass, and had a column-shaped structure. This structure was part of the coffee machines for decades. The initial espresso machines all used steam at a pressure of 1.5 to 2 bars. In 1946, Achilles Gaggia invented the modern espresso machine, which is steam-free and the pressure of water was increased from 8 to 10 bar.
Espresso Machine