Henrietta was intelligent and curious. She always wanted to learn and understand anything she found strange. She felt satisfied only when she understood the reason. There was a low stone wall in her village. Henrietta often looked at this low stone wall in her village and asked her mother, “What is the use of this wall? Why was it built?” Her mother answered wisely, “Henrietta, there must be a reason.” She was not satisfied with her mother’s answer and wanted to know the reason. One day, a flock of cattle from the neighbouring field was grazing there. As Henrietta watched, an evil bull charged at her. Henrietta screamed in fear, “Help me, someone!” Just then, she saw that the wall blocked the bull. He could not cross the wall. Henrietta ran home to her mother and said, “Mother! The wall saved my life! You were right. Everything has a reason.”
Everything Has a Reason