Examination Fever

Before the examination, the students suspend pleasure-oriented activities. They do not go to the playground. They also cancel their picnic schedules and forget about going to the latest movies. They are busy with their books. They go on reading while sipping a cup of tea. They go on reading while sipping a cup of tea. They go on revising while lying in their beds. They discuss questions, talk about books and dream about answers. Some perch on the trees while others sit in remote corners. Some others stick to chairs. The examination fever touches the highest point on the night before the examination. One gets disturbed sleep. Students get up early in the morning and even the atheists start to pray. In front of the examination hall, one feels that everything has drained out of one’s brain. A friend says, “Have you prepared those questions?” The student feels disturbed and turns the pages of notes of book in a hasty manner. He tries to go over the answers. Even after the examination, the fever still haunts the student. He tells his friend, “I was a bit confused” or “I could not do justice to some of the questions.”
Remote – far-off, Atheists – non-believers in God

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