Success and failure are a part of our daily life. Success and failure go hand in hand. Success gives us a sense of joy and pride and failure discourages and depresses us. But we should not forget that in the battle of life, failures do come. In that case we should not lose heart and give up trying again. Failures appear to be unpleasant, but they are helpful in many other ways. They are our best instructors. Each time we fail, we learn some lesson. The experience we gain each time makes our path of success smoother and easier. Experience is the best teacher. If a man, armed with the experiences of failures picks up courage and goes on doing a thing, success will be his. So we need not feel ashamed if we fail in any undertaking.
Failures are stepping stones to success. King Bruce of Scotland fought for the freedom of his country. He failed many times but he did not lose heart. Ultimately, he was successful in his objective. He experienced failure though but this experience of his made him successful later.
Failures make a person bold, active and vigilant. Failures provide a chance of self-improvement. But we can replace a failure with success by positive thinking and practical approach. We must study the causes of our failures, and realize our defects. Failures, therefore, are not hindrance, but a help, not a bane but a boon as they eventually lead to success.
Vigilant—watchful against danger