
Facebook is now a famous social networking website which was invented on 4 February, 2004 by Harvard university student Mark Zuckerberg in association with his college mates Eduuardo Saverin, Andrew Mc Collum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. This website was originally named as ‘Facemash’ but later it was named as ‘Facebook’.

To use this website a person is required to register and create his own profile containing his photo, interests, personal and contact information. After creating such profile the person can share public or private message with other users and can use chat feature too. Now this social website has 955 million active users as calculated in June 2012. And more surprisingly, this website is also used as a tool to increase the unity factor among people on certain issues across the globe. It has been banned too from time-to-time for containing some abusive and discriminating matters by several countries.

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