One fine day, two sisters Alice and Elliot ran off to play without telling their mother. They sat under a tree to rest and realised that they were lost. Something landed on Alice’s shoulder. It was a tiny fairy. “You didn’t tell your mother you were going to play,” she asked gently. “No, and we’re lost!” cried Alice. “Do not cry. Look around you,” the fairy said, smiling. Alice and Elliot wiped their tears and saw that they were in fairyland. Tiny flowers fluttered; elves ran around and tiny trees sang as they swayed in the cool breeze. Alice and Elliot had the most wonderful time of their lives. “Now, the rabbits will guide you to your home,” said the fairy after a while. Two rabbits showed Alice and Elliot the road towards their home. The sisters apologised to their worried mother. The next time Alice and Elliot went to meet the fairy they took their mother along, too.