You will need:
- Pencil
- Cotton/ Jute string
(something sturdy to
hold the weight of the
mug) - Plastic mug (just in case
you do drop it in practice) - Nut (from a hardware
store, should weigh about
5-10 gm)
Have fun trying to drop a mug from shoulder-
height but not letting it break. The trick
requires a few household items and gravity.
- Conduct this experiment on grass
or any other soft surface. - Measure and cut a piece of string from your shoulder to the ground.
But let it not reach the ground. - Now, tie the mug to one end of the string and the nut to the other end
of the string. - Tie them well so that they may not come loose.
- Now, holding the pencil in your right hand, hold the nut in your left hand and take the string over the pencil. Drag the nut back horizontally.
- When you are ready, let the nut go.
The nut will obviously be carried forward by the weight of the mug which is falling towards the ground. However, the fall of the mug is stopped by the nut, which while moving towards the pencil is also moving downwards because of the gravitational pull. Hence, the nut coils itself around the pencil and breaks the fall of the mug.