Look at this big field; it is a farm. Lots of plants and animals are there.
Yummy fruits and vegetables that we eat, come from the farm.
Many animals are raised on the farm.
He is Peter, the farmer. He looks after the plants and the animals on the farm.
Can you listen to that, ‘Moo’? Oh! These are the cows that give us milk. Cows live in a shed.
Clip-Clop! Clip-Clop! The horse is galloping. A horse lives in a stable.
This is the farm pond; many ducks live here. Little ducklings are waddling around the pond.
Chickens are clucking. They live in this coop. They give us yummy eggs and meat.
Here come the sheep that give us wool to make woollen clothes. A sheep lives in a pen.
What’s that buzzing noise? These are the honeybees that give us honey. They live in that beehive.