Once upon a time, there was a great king. Once, the enemy attacked his kingdom. The king’s army had no hope of winning, as the enemy’s army was ten times larger than his own army. “Surely we will lose,” the king’s army said, sadly. On the way to the battlefield, the troops stopped at a monastery. As they were about to pray, the monk said, “This monastery is sacred; if a garland falls on you when you bow, it means you will win.” As the army generals bowed, a huge garland fell on them. The army was thrilled and surged into the battle with courage and high hope. And, they won the battle. A soldier said, “The gods saved us!” The king laughed and said, “It wasn’t the gods who threw the garland. I according to the suggestion by the monk made a servant do that from the roof of the monastery. Your bravery and confidence saved us!”
Moral: Our fate is decided by our own actions.