Feel Good about Yourself

Are you having a low phase in your life and wondering how to feel good about yourself? Feeling low does not mean that you have lost your self esteem and confidence—it is just that you need a boost to get back in high spirits. In the present society, there are many who face such a problem. This does not mean that they have lost their self worth; it is just that they have failed to realize it. A pat on the back and a smiling face is all that is required to tackle the slump period in life.

 The first attempt to make yourself feel good would be to list any five words that would describe your qualities the best. Make sure that you list only the positive traits in yourself, such as easy going, hardworking, friendly, etc.
 Appreciate what you have. Learn to love and be happy about them, rather than spending time thinking about things that you do not possess.
 Face any and every difficult situation boldly. This will bring in the feel good factor and uplift your mood.
 Listening to inspirational songs, the ones that provide a healing effect to your mind, acts beneficially in lifting your spirits. Play them when you are working at home, driving to office or just relaxing in your room.
 If you want to feel good, keep smiling. It is said that a smile is contagious. When you smile at people, they smile back at you. This might be surprising, but the simple act of smiling can lift your spirits and make you feel good.
 It is, often, seen that people who feel depressed or sad do not indulge in their hobby or use their talent. It is very important to do things that you like or are good at. It is one of the simplest ways to be happy and feel elated.
 Every one of us had done one thing in life to be proud of. The trick is to remember and share your achievements with close friends or relatives. This would give a boost to your mood.
 When you do something good, give a pat on your back and say to yourself ‘I m good’.
 Try to improve yourself, whenever you get an opportunity. You must realize that no one is perfect and by improving, you only better yourself.
 Do not compare yourself with anyone else. Remember, no two people in this world are alike. You have grown with a different experience and talent than the rest and you should be proud of your individuality.
 Wear new clothes. It might sound foolish, but it is a known fact that when you wear new clothes or your favourite outfit, you feel happy about yourself.

 Do not mind what others say. Get this fact right—people insult others only to hide their own insecurities.
 Compliment one person, praise the other and appreciate the third. Remember, when you say well about others, it makes you feel good about your own self as well.

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