Balarama and Lord Krishna entered the tala grove. It appeared deserted. Both of them picked fruits from the trees. Suddenly, one of the fruits fell to the ground with a loud thud. The sound of the falling fruit broke the uneasy silence in the grove. This alerted demon Dhenuka who guarded the grove. The two turned around to the sound of his thudding hooves as he came charging out. The ugly body of Dhenukasura was a hideous sight to behold. More terrifying was the angry hatred in his eyes as he charged towards Lord Krishna and Balarama. “How dare You enter my grove, You foolish boys? I will destroy You!” shouted the angry demon. As Dhenukasura ran towards them, Lord Krishna merely smiled as He stood fearless. Dhenukasura reached Balarama first and tried to kick him. Balarama lifted him up in his hands. He then hurled the demon against the rocks and destroyed him.
Fight against Dhenukasura