Finding the Mystic World of Fairies

Hatim had to find a fairy called Mahpari in order to get the Shahmuhra stone and fulfil the third request of Harith’s daughter and continue his journey. No human he talked to, had any idea of the fairyland. Hatim sat wondering how he could find their mystic world; then it struck him that demon king Farokash, who belonged to the dark side of the mystical world; would have the information. King Farokash was not happy to hear this request, as the fairyland was a dangerous place where magic lay everywhere, but he could not refuse Hatim. He ordered his slaves to escort Hatim up to the boundaries of the fairyland and wait for him until he returned. The slaves lifted Hatim on their shoulders, and with the speed of wind, travelled nonstop till they reached mountain Kaf. This was the abode of thousands of powerful fairies. The slaves left Hatim there, promising to wait till his return.

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