Fingerprinting (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Transparent tape
  2. Table lamp
  3. Magnifying glass
  4. Inkpad
  5. Blank paper
  6. Talcum powder
  7. Fluffy makeup brush

Through this experiment, understand how our fingerprints are transferred everywhere and also how to analyze them.


  1. Take a 1-inch piece of transparent tape. Be careful not to smudge it with your fingers.
  2. Place the top one-third of your finger firmly on the tape and pull it away.
  3. Take the tape and hold it against a table lamp.
  4. Using a magnifying glass analyze your fingerprint. Follow the same procedure for all your fingers.
  5. Once you have analyzed all your fingerprints, save your fingerprints, by placing individual fingers on an inkpad and pressing your inked finger onto a sheet of blank paper.
  6. Label each print. You can take the prints of
    everyone in the house the same way.
  7. Try identifying prints around your house, by lightly dusting them with talcum powder and placing a piece of tape over them to transfer the prints onto the tape.
  8. Holding it under a table lamp try identifying whose print it is by comparing it to your saved data bank.


Fingerprints are caused by the patterns of ridges left as a result of folds created between the upper layer (epidermis) and lower layer (dermis) of your skin on the fingertips, palms and sole of the feet. Each person has different prints which are a variation of the three basic patterns, namely whirl, loop and arch.

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