Fireworks In A Glassb (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. A tall transparent glass
  2. Water (warm)
  3. Food colour
  4. Vegetable oil
  5. Another glass or cup

All of us love fireworks. What if you could create colourful fireworks which burst inside a glass of water? Follow this experiment to find out the method.


  1. Take a tall transparent glass and pour warm water into it till it is filled up to the top.
  2. In the other glass, take 2 tablespoonfuls of vegetable oil and mix into it a few drops of the food colour you want.
  3. Mix until the food colours are broken into smaller drops, but not completely mixed.
  4. Now, take the oil and food colour mixture and pour it gently
    into the glass of warm water.
  5. Be patient and watch!


The food colour mixes with water, but not with oil. And as oil is less dense than water, it floats to the top, making the food colour mixed into it sink to the bottom of the oil droplets. As the food colour comes into contact with the water, it diffuses, resembling fireworks, only in water.

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