Fitness—the easy way out

The secret of keeping vibrant health lies in one word—relaxation. In absence of proper relaxation body can’t be kept alert and ticking? says Rohan Ahuja the orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine consultant. Exercise only comes next (to relaxation). Ergo the prime importance of warm up and cool down in exercise. Thus arrangement ensures that physical training doesn’t end up harming body in any way.
After warm up we should do exercises which promote flexibility in body. This include a string of simple exercise and some yogasanas. Most natural of asanas is Surya Namaskar. Then comes the main exercise, like brisk walk, swimming, cycling, etc. These tone up muscles and burn excess body fat all the same. Exercising four days a week adds substantially to your health status. When you do these exercise don’t forget to take you pulse rate. Aerobics or aerobic dance can be a good substitute for routine exercise rider being you take extra care to put on right kind of footwear. Your shoes for purpose ought to be comfortable but light weight.
Weight lifting comes last. It provide that finishing touch, which is sure and sanguine. And last of all are cool down do’s—the simple flexing exercises.
For a smart and live wire body, posture is significant. Sitting, standing, sleeping and walking in proper manner is material for health. This keeps muscle groups well oriented, well balanced and carrying body weight aptly divided amongst them.
Laughter is tonic for health. Being pleasantly disposed adds magnet to your personality. A flicker of smile can light up whole of your life, and give it a burst of optimism. So apart from pumping iron, keep smiling and see how life smiles back at you blessing you with health and happiness.
Warm up exercises
For a healthy body, balanced respiration (breathing) is a must. For this you may breath in and breathe out to beats of music. To rein tension, rhythmic breathing is advised. (It’s noteworthy that in Indian classical music, there is a fixed time for each separate musical note—the raga) May be it’s for this reason that pranayama has a pride of place in the realm of yogasanas.
Exercise of calf muscles : To firm up your calf muscles, take your right foot forward, leaning body in same direction. Both foot paws should face in front. Gently bend knee of right leg and feel pull in calf musle of left leg. Take care that your left heel remains firm on ground all this while.
Exercise of Hamstrings : Sit on ground and spread out legs. Now bend forward and touch toes of feet talking care not to bend knees in the process.
Right gait : The right way to walk is to walk upright. Take longish steps, pulling along lower body parts. This help burning excess of calories stored in body. In an ideal walk, your heel should be the one to touch ground first, only then should rest of the foot follow.
Weight training : Hold dumbells in your two hands, and let your arm muscles go limp. Breathing deep, then rise on your toes (feet) and release breath out completely.
Free hand exercise : Lie down on back—knees bend. Now raise your upper back so that the lower back gets to abut on ground.
Exercise in pregnancy
It is well worth its while to do your daily exercise even as you are expecting a baby. Firstly, it’ll give you a feel good factor thanks to production of endorphils in body following exercise. Regular exercise keeps you full of energy all through the day and gives you a peaceful sleep at night time.
Secondly, physical exercise will prepare your body for a safe delievery. Because you garner enough of cardiovascular stability and strength of hip and thigh muscles which comes handy while passing through labour pains. And thirdly you will get back in shape quickly following your delivery.
Studies have shown that women who exercise all through the period of their pregnancy put on less fat on body compared to those who don’t exercise.
The safety norm on family way : If you were well on way to regular exercise before your pregnancy, you can remain in that mode with little bit of caution and modifications. But you must inform your doctor the nature and extent of your physical workouts, and seeks his nod for continuing on them, and then only plan out your course of action. But if you have no history of exercising, and desire to get going nevertheless, do so gradually.
The best exercise for beginners is strolling i.e. going out for walk. For this choose open area rich in fresh air and sunshine. Walk at least thrice a week. Each outing should be of 20-30 minutes duration, beginning with slow steps but picking pace soon after. Before every scouting, do warm up for 5 minutes, and terminate your outing with a of cool down drill, again lasting for 5 minutes or so. Do 5 minutes of light stretching exercise to address swelling and stiffness that develops naturally in a body not used to regular drills.
Doe’s and Dont’s in pregnancy : Post 3 months of pregnancy, laid back exercises should be avoided, lest circulation of blood to gravid uterus is interrupted. Take care of your own oxygen intake. Should you feel odd or tired, stop exercise mid way. Also take cognisance of your shifting centre-of-gravity and resultant glitch in body balance. Avoid exercise which mandate sudden change of direction, or are potentially injurious to abdominal region.
Remember as pregnant woman you need 300 kilo calories of extra energy and 15-20 gms. of extra proteins so that the prenatal child remains safe and healthy. So jack up your intake of calories and proteins so that even the energy loss on account of physical exercise is also adequately compensated. Wear loose but well fitting clothes while doing exercise and drink plenty of water after workout. You may choose any exercise you feel like provided you enjoy it thoroughly without losing sight of your pregnancy status.
Saliva contains germicidal protein
According to International Association of Dental Research, the gigantic molecules formed in our salivary secretions contain a kind of protien which can hack most stubborn and pathogenic forms of bacteria and fungi. Upon examination this protein agent was found to be efficient germicidal. This is same very peptide MUC 7 which forms basis of a medicine that fight all types of infections effectively. This protein is effective in checking HIV, AIDS, organ transplant rejection and microbial resistant to chemotherapeautic drugs.
Dangers of smoking
According to technical report from BCC, smoking can give rise to 14 types of cancers. In fact one of the potential dangers from smoking is that of partial or complete paralysis. Smoking kills 70000 people every year, one out of every seven cancer patients is victim of lady nicotene, and only 5% patients survive a five year morbidity of tobacco related diseases.
Some prominent cancerous conditions precipated by tobacco are, the pancreatic, renal, gall bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancers. Smoking is also related to 8 other kinds of health problems like heart attack, catarract, paralysis, chronic cough, sterility and still born babies.
Miscellaneous facts
❑ Advanced age diabetic patients are more prone to fracture.
❑ Obesity is also a significant factor behind myriad cancers.
❑ Those engaged in welding works are more prone to Parkinson disease.
❑ Next to South Africa, India has the highest number of HIV patients.
Blame it on poverty, lack of formal education, social inequity and absence of sex education, that AIDS is spreading fast in India. As of now there are about 38 lakh AIDS patients in India.
❑ More of physical exercise doesn’t make you pot bellied. In fact it is lack of exercise which adds to your girth.
❑ In angioplasty, earlier the obliterated blood vessels were cleaned of their fat lining using a catheter assisted saline solution. But now instead of saline, nitrous oxide solidified at 100C, which is comparatively cheaper, is used.
❑ Juices of black and seablue grapes is as good for heart as red wine.
Try these tips
❑ If you have eaten bananas a bit too many, chew up 2 grains of green cardamom. Bananas will be thoroughly digested.
❑ Dry mango leaves in shade and grind them into powder. Rubbing it daily on teeth and gums is good for oral care and shinning teeth.
❑ On a burnt area apply lime and clove oil in equal parts. You’ll get insant relief.
❑ Cut green coriander into small pieces, and squeeze hard to take out extract. Few drops of extract in a glass of water can stop bouts of vomiting.
❑ If hiccups are bothering, suck lemon or leaves of mint.
❑ If you have had a crush of sugarcanes, eating 3-4 plums will help you digest them.
❑ Go for loo after finishing your meal passing uring post meals is good for your kidneys.
❑ If you have consumed mangoes—too much for comfort—lick a pinch of comman salt—and relax.
It’s necessary, for us all
Idea is a niche state of art gym suburban Mumbai that promises a treat to whole lot of your health care. Trained staffers here assure you that every activity of health centre is so regulated that there is little scope for accidents or untoward incidents. Security is alway top priority. They couch for it that problems related to exercises of joints muslces, blood vessels and other body parts are simply nonexistent is their premises. Workout, they aver, should be innately appealing. And hence the punch line of gym goes thus: Your satisfaction depends on how you look and how you feel.
This fitness centre came into existence when Anita Shivdasani and Sunita Kapoor, wife of film star Anil Kapoor were searching for a fitness centre. Having ploughed through work-out charades in clumsy illequepped and poorly ventilated gyms they toyed with the idea of launching IDEA—a fitness centre class apart—at Juhu in Mumbai. Today this gym has come of age what with Bollywood glitteret like Zeenat Aman, Poonam Dhillon, Tabbu, Dimple Kapadia and Twinkle Khanna visiting it regularly. Says Anita: ‘‘It isn’t exclusive for upper class. We are targeting all those who are health conscious and live wire at physical and mental level. Those who believe that prevention is better than cure in a polluted metropolis like Mumbai fresh air is luxury. So in our fitness centre we have created an environment friendly ambiance where ionisation procedure ensure that breeze of cool and fresh air keeps hitting you on face. Another novelty is its wooden floor. Thus floor is raised 9 inches from ground on a cushion of air, fabric and rubber foam. As such it shock absorbs any untoward push or pull on exercising individual.’’
Broaching subject of facilities, Anita continues , ‘‘Aerobic classes continue all through the day. Our chief instructor is Bannu Batliboy. Here customers are taught how to breathe properly for health and relaxation. After subjecting them to breathing gizmos and fitness machines, they are counselled on Yogasanas. For augmenting body flexibility, yoga classes are held thrice a day.
In a modern gym of thin stature, there is a health food centre and juice bar besides steam chamber, cold bath, massage and facial outlets. To help overweight people reduce, Nutritionist Shobha Rajgopal pays visit three days a week. Two kinds of health foods are available here: low calories, and low fat. Weight reducing programme is based on weight and height parameters of the health seeker. Anita further say: ‘‘All women need. weight exercises. Prevailing notion that lifting weight will make woman less feminine and more masculine, is far from truth. In fact weight training unfolds a woman’s faminity. It makes breast region firm amd fullsome and body shapely. All the same bones are strengthened, and one feels strong and energetic. As ladies are more prone to fat deposition on select areas like abdomen, thigh and hips they need a training programme different from one for men.’’
Pulse—an extension of this above health spa, has an assortment of fitness equipments addressing each and every part of human constitution. These include cardio-vascular equipments, treadmill, stepper, cycling gizmo and weight lifting machines. Also available are upper body conditioner, smooth machines, thigh adductor, and five station multigym. Radio icons like Shernaz Dinshaw and Aneesh Trivedi came here for regular workouts. Says Aneesh, ‘‘I have lost 5 kgs, and all flab. I never felt myself as sound ever before.’’
And now another story. A martial arts teacher in Mumbai—Sensai Farokh Dinshaw imparts health to celebrities through techniques of self defence. In his book ‘Bushi the Warrior’, regently endorsed by ace film director Suraj Barjatya, all those interested in peak of health and action. In last two decades Dinshaw has trained more of film stars and page 3 people than anyone else. His trainning centres span all posh localities in Mumbai. Says Dinshaw, ‘‘Children from families of politicians, industrialists, and film stars come to me regularly to learn martial arts. Patrons who have shown deep involvement in my work are : Praful Patel, Maharashtra’s cabinet miniter Datta Meghe, film actress Kimi, photographer Shantnu Shenoy, music director Nadim Shravan and director of Rajshri Productions—Suraj Barjatya.
So much so, even pin up model of international fame Samantha Fox took training in martial arts, fitness and yoga from Farokh Dinshaw.
Says Dinshaw, ‘‘She (Samantha) was one of the smartest persons I have ever come across. She came for her exercises regularly and took interest in learning new techniques from her trainers.’’ Dinshaw doesn’t train only the show-biz ladies, she gives lessons in strength and stamina even to upcoming sports people spurred by her training, sprinter Zeinia Alitan improved her performance remarkably.
Gorgeous Kajol too attends her classes regularly. For full two years before release of Bekhudi Kajol took coaching in Karate and physical fitness from Dinshaw. The master trainer was indeed delighted seeing cardinal improvements in mental stability, punctuality and body flexibility of her pupil Kajol. Other celebrated students of Dinshaw are Sahil Tyagi, son of Commissior RD Tyagi, Devansh Barjatya son of the famed Suraj Barjatya, and Harsh Loonia, who shot to stardom following his appearance in teleserial Just Muhabbat.
Super model Madhu Sapre is beholder to her style of teaching Reflects Dinshaw: ‘‘On scale of popularity, martial arts is ahead of other games worldwide. So much so, some of its forms have now been included in the list of Olympic games. Art of figthing is no more an exclusive preserve of self defence. Rather, it’s now being used to enhance vigour and vitality. Many international personalities like Sean Conory, Alvis Presley, Steve Mcvin and Bruce Lee dedicated their lives to this art form.
To apprise her fellow citizens with all kinds of martial arts, Dinshaw published her first book ‘The Code of Bushido’ in 1991.
In her new book ‘Bushi the Warrior’ she has chronicle her experience of last 20 years. Even defence personals have been trained by her. She would he happy to dispel popular notion that martial arts are meant only for menfolks. Or that these end up only making men manly and raw muscled.
Far from it, she believes, martial art is there for all who want sound health and sprightly dispositon. Art of fighting develops a man’s focus and concentration. Ergo all Indians should embrace them for success in their choosen fields of endeavour.
Given here below are some pearls of Dinshaw’s wisdom for your information and follow up action:
❑ We all have our unique abilities and limitations. But you must have too fire to transcend your limitations and tap your innate abilities to the maximum level. You go up in life only when you don’t allow limitations to take better of you. Live in present. This is one and the only truth. And, with this knowledge alone, you can strike a repo with inner self. Present time neither has the remorse of past, nor expectations of future. Accept this, and you will be happy ever after.
❑ Don’t let anxiety weigh heavy on you. Conquer your hesitations and your impatience. Rearrange your time. Keep your emotions under check, else they will start controlling your life. Emotional and physical strength, both mandate that you maintain your equipoise. For then alone can you pool up your energy reservoirs. Focussing your mind steadily on target, you can reach it easy and fast.
❑ Develop your self confidence and jettison fear. A regular practice of martial arts will infuse in you live wire vitality which will lead you near to perfection.
cut down on weight in winters
Who wouldn’t want to cosy up with a streaming coffee mug? This indeed cater to you taste but, in long term effects, paves way for build up of fatty tissues on back and hips, something no intelligent woman would even like to have. Hence along with indulgence in good food during winter months, indulgence in health and fitness matters is equally important.
Put on weight in winters
❑ During winter months your hunger is at its peak reason being you need more of energy to keep warm and going; and energy comes from food. However in obese people there is no acute demand of energy replenishment in cool weather.
❑ In winters we develop a craving for different food items especially the one rich in energy carbohydrates (and fats).
Ergo you feel like taking cream layered cuisines, hot soups and fried items.
❑ Beginning from Deepawali our winter festivities go on uninterrupted for the next 3 months. Hence willy nilly we get used to dabbling in sweatmeats and fatty high energy foods.
Remove flab in winters
In winter months our hunger is wild and digestion is its peak level. Yet it is worth its while to think before eating. This habit will keep you slim and trim even without taking recourse to physical exercise and expert counselling.
Eat more of salad instead of cashewnuts, peanuts and gur. Also take sprouted cereals, green pea, beans and water soaked pulses (like moong, masoor etc). This select eating favours thermogenesis in body. Even simple boiled and spiced cuisines of these food items will do you lot good in winter months.
❑ Season winter fruit like apple, pear, orange are not only nutritious but also weight readucing in nature. They are full of minerals, vitamins and fibres, albeit lacking in salt, vitamins and fibres.
❑ Drink a minimum 10 glasses of water every day. Becuase less of water in body symtems is not good for health. Intake of tea and coffee only serves to increase the amount of available calories. It is therefore better if these beverages are partly replaced with plain hot or lemon water.
For a change go scouting long in open, rather than do it with your exercises at home. Fast walking and jogging serve equally well.
These above tips keep you in good shape in winters as well as in subsequent times.
even home can be your fitness centre
Women often complain they have no time to attend to their health needs. Neither they go to gym, nor are they interested in yoga or other such exercise. Hence they need some package that caters to their requirements without much ado. For that, here are 2 tips:
1. Try working hard in routine domestic chores. So much so that you are spent and exhausted in the process. This is akin to a hard workout in gym and euqally beneficial for your health.
2. Going upstair, and coming down them is beneficial for health. Do this a minimum of 2-3 times. For spread drying clothes, pulses and condiments go on roof top yourself rather than engaging servant or someone else.

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