You will need:
q Empty plastic bottle
q Funnel or paper formed
into a funnel
q Balloon
q Baking soda
q ½ cup of vinegar
Next time you have a party, challange some of your friends into blowing a balloon without using their mouths or a pump. When all of them are stumped, show them this experiment.
- Take half a cup of vinegar in a bottle.
- Stretch the balloon out a little bit, and using a funnel or paper fill the balloon half way with baking soda.
- Next, very carefully without letting any baking soda fall into the plastic bottle of vinegar, put the balloon over the neck of the bottle.
- When you are ready to inflate
your balloon, lift the balloon up
so that the baking soda may fall into the vinegar in the bottle.
The baking soda reacts with the vinegar and creates carbon dioxide. When gas (carbon dioxide) is created, it needs space to expand. After filling up the bottle, it moves upwards into the balloon, inflating it.