Floating Magnets or Anti-gravity Discs (Physics Experiments)

The title probably did get your attention. These discs appear to float in mid-air. Their secret isn’t an anti-gravity formula handed down by aliens from UFO’s. It’s just a result of magnetic repulsion.
Things Required:
Four magnets with holes in their centre (available at local electronics stores)
6-inch-long wooden dowel
Flat wooden base
Carpenter’s wood glue
Cut a piece of 1/4-inch wooden dowel about 6 inches long. Make sure both ends are flat and smooth. Obtain a flat wooden base. Position the dowel in the middle of the base. Secure it to the base with a bead of glue. Let it dry.
Slip a magnet over the dowel. Slip another one on top. If the magnets attract, remove the upper magnet. Flip it upside down so it is repelled by the magnet below. This will make the upper magnet appear to float and bounce in air. Add several more magnets. Make sure that each magnet repels the magnets on either side of it.

This Is What Happens:
As you’ve learnt, like poles repel and unlike poles attract, we create a force of repulsion by positioning like poles to like poles. This force is strong enough to keep the upper magnets suspended in air.

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