Mr Kenny had come to a florist to buy some roses. Mother’s Day was coming up, so he thought he would send a bunch of roses to his mother who was old and lived alone in a city that was miles away.
He couldn’t take a holiday as his work was very important. Moreover, if he went there, she would have extra work on her hands. So, he thought he would just send the flowers.
He ordered a bunch of flowers that were done up in an exquisite bouquet, and bought a beautiful card to go with it. As he was going to place his order and pay the shopkeeper, he saw a small girl who was standing outside the shop window, admiring the flowers.
While he was collecting the bouquet, the girl walked away.
Mr Kenny walked up to the girl and said, “Hello! I’m Mr Kenny. Are you also here to look for some flowers for your mother.” “Yes, sir. But I don’t have any money,” said the small girl.
“May I buy you some flowers for your mother?” asked Mr Kenny.

The little girl’s face lighted up. “Would you do that, sir?”
They went back into the shop and she looked around till she found some flowers she wanted to buy. She picked flowers up in different colours. Mr Kenny was surprised that she did not buy any expensive flowers.
When they came out, she thanked him and said she’d go straight to her Mum and give her the flowers.
“Would you like to come with me, sir?” she asked. Mr Kenny went along with her.
She went right down the street and past the village and the church to the churchyard. There, she walked to a gravestone that looked clean and new. It had a cross. It said, ‘Here lies Edna May, wife of Harry May and mother of Hailey’.

Mr Kenny looked at the little girl as she knelt and laid the bunch of flowers on the grave. He had tears in his eyes.
“She loved colourful flowers, sir,” said Hailey, for that was the little girl’s name.
Mr Kenny took her home and then he decided that he would not send the bouquet to his mother. He would take it to her.
When his mother saw him, she was so happy that she didn’t say a word; she just hugged him.
Moral: The best gift is your time.