In Cumberland lived a nobleman with three sons, two of whom were clever, but the third one, called Foolish Jack, was sent to mind the sheep. The King of Canterbury had a beautiful and witty daughter, and he proclaimed that she would marry the man who could answer three of her questions. Jack went along with his brothers to Canterbury. Along the way, he picked up an egg, a hazel twig and a nut. At Canterbury, when he saw the Princess and her ladies-in-waiting, Jack said, “What fair ladies!” “Fair, because we have fiery hearts!” they replied. Jack said, “In that case you can cook my egg!” “And how will you pull it out of the fire?” asked the Princess. “With a stick!” replied Jack, pulling out the hazel twig. “Where did that come from?” she asked. “From inside this nut,” he explained, showing her the hazel nut. “Having answered three questions, you must marry me!” he announced.

The Fish
The King said, “Return after a week. You have to sit up one night watching over the Princess. If you stay awake through the night, you shall marry her. Otherwise, you’ll lose your life!” Jack returned a week later. Crossing a river, he caught a few fish and stuffed them into his pockets. He was welcomed in the hall with great courtesy and hospitality. He began to feel drowsy. The Princess said, “You are falling asleep!” “Oh, no!” replied Jack, “I was actually fishing!” “Fishing? Inside this hall?” laughed the Princess, “There’s not even a pond here!” Jack acted as if he had been fishing in his pocket and pulled out a fish for the surprised Princess. After a while, she asked for one more, and he gave her another. Then her father came and Jack gave him a fish too! The King had to agree to his daughter marrying this marvellous man!