The molecules of air not only take up space, but also stop water from entering a bottle.
Things Required:
A funnel
A small, narrow-neck bottle
A small piece of clay
A glass of water
Place the funnel in the bottle. Roll a small clay rope and fit it around the funnel in the bottle neck. Press the clay rope in firmly around the funnel to seal it completely, making the bottle airtight. Now, slowly pour a small amount of water into the bottle, a little at a time. Continue to do this until you’ve completely emptied the glass.
This Is What Happens:
At first, water will enter the bottle, but as you continue to pour the water, less will enter. Finally, the funnel will fill up with water and none will enter the bottle.
Science Behind It:
The molecules of air in the closed bottle will eventually press together and take up all the space there. It will stop any more water from entering.