Forced labour is better than idleness (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

“O Jack, the clock is already striking 10 and you have not got up from the bed,” said his mother angrily.
“Mom, I am feeling like to doze off for the whole day. Why are you waking me up when I don’t have any work to do,” Jack retorted back.
Infact Jack had become lazy due to disappointment in getting a job. He had tried his best to get a good job in the call-centres but has not got one, inspite of his best efforts to look good and smart in the interviews and group discussions. Now, he did not want to do anything, except take rest.
“Jack, you are so brilliant. You have got so many accolades and certificates, why don’t you do some good work in your spare time and earn money,” said Mother.
“What should I do mother? You tell me. Which work can fetch money for me?” asked Jack with utmost curiosity.
“Well, you practice stain-glass painting. It is a modern art and it fetches good money too,” replied his mother.
Jack liked his mother’s idea. He learnt stain-glass painting from a well-known artist and started selling it in the market. Soon he became a wealthy artist with the grace of Almighty God.
Tears flowed from his eyes when he placed his hard-earned money at the feet of his mother.
MoralDon’t be idle. Do something worth while. Forced labour is better than idleness.

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