The space spread in between eyebrow and hair line is called forehead. Forehead plays a significant role in face reading.
Scientists are of the belief that the men have been developed from four footed animal like monkey or chimpanzee. Monkey and chimpanzee were developed from four footed animals and the men progeny of chimpanzee or monkey. Lemur took five crore years to develop in the form of men. Lemur was originated on the earth five crore years ago and the perspective of chimpanzee was originated after the steady development of three crore years since then. The primitive perspective of human was developed from these chimpanzees, who learned to walk with the help of two legs about five lac years ago since today.
Comparative perspective of the skull of man, chimpanzee and Lemur has been shown in figure 100 and 101. It comes to know by their study that the development of frontal lobe and parietal lobe is seen only in the skull of man.

But this region is absolutely undeveloped, narrow in chimpanzee and Lemur. Intellectual faculties of the brain exists into forehead and emotional faculties remain in the upper portion of the head. Intellectual and emotional faculties existed into the man were developed at last stage of the development process.
In brief, forehead represents the intellectual faculty and upper portion of the head represents emotional faculty of the man. Intellectual capacity, emotional sensibility of the man will be observed through the development of these regions. Forehead and head should be studied keeping these scientific facts in mind.
Position of the Forehead
1. Straight Forehead : Straight forehead is a sign of practical and emotional balance. The artisans, musicians, poets, writers, painters and beauty lovers have straight forehead. Such persons have best quality of common sense and understanding. They do their work with devotion and dedication. The persons having straight forehead are well-arranged. They are in habit to work under the rule and proper planning. They achieve success in their life due to this quality. Such persons try to understand the feeling of others and they themselves are emotional, but they do not flow with emotions.

2. Projecting Forehead : Projecting forehead is a signification of mental and nervous abnormality. If the forehead is projecting excessively or abnormally, mental capacity of the person will very low. His mental development is comparatively less. This is a symptom of retarded or incomplete development of the brain. But if the outgrowth of the forehead is a bit more than normal, the person has extraordinary mental capacity and categorised as genius.

Receding Forehead : Receding forehead is a sign of selfish nature and lack of emotional sensibility of the person. The persons having receding forehead are tactful, cunning and cheater. They have dearth of idealism and moral thinking. If the forehead is receding more than normal, the person is less minded, uncivilised and backward. Such persons are short tempered, they do their work being impulsive and they have dearth of understanding and practical thinking. They are unable to understand the feeling of others and always think about themselves. The person, whose forehead is normally receded, gets success in the society and various fields of life. They have reasoning, oratory capacity to impress others. They are artistic minded and simple.

Size of the Forehead
1. High Forehead : If the height of forehead is more, it is called high forehead. High forehead is a representative of high level intellectual capacity, reasoning, understanding and farsightedness. A combination of idealism, generosity and practical thinking is seen in the person having high forehead. Such persons are patient, principled and firm determined. They like punctuality and sincerity. Such persons are faithful and serious towards their work. They are neither careless nor tolerate carelessness of others.

2. Low Forehead : The forehead having low height is called low forehead. Low forehead is a sign of instability, less intellect and selfishness. The persons having low forehead are narrow minded. They think about their present interest. They are indulged in sensual pleasure, eating and luxury. They are habituated to work under others or lead their life depending upon others. They have dearth of self confidence. Therefore, they do not want to take any risk in life.

3. Wide Forehead : If the width of forehead is more than the length, this is called wide forehead. The persons having wide forehead are generous, having reasoning capacity, ambitious and progressive by nature. They are laborious, efficient, adopting scientific concept, learned of natural mysteries, inventor and analyser. Such persons give more importance to scientific facts than customs and remain away from superstitions.

Shape of the Forhead
1. Oblong Forehead : Oblong forehead is rectangular and its height is more than width. The persons having oblong forehead are very emotional, sensitive, furious and volatile.
They are attracted towards arts, music, literature due to dominance of sense and impulses. The forehead of the persons, who are travel lover, suspicious and changeable minded, is oblong. Such kind of persons have enough intellectual capacity, but they do not use it.

2. Square Forehead : The height and width of square forehead is equal and straight at both the ends. The persons having square forehead are well-arranged, disciplined, pre-planned, fond of eating and healthy built. Such persons give more importance to emotion than duty. They want to work in army, police and risky fields. Such persons are known for their jolliness, honesty, patriotism and diligence. They are punctual and disciplined and want to make others idealistic like themselves.

3. Round Forehead : The upper portion of forehead looks round due to round cutting of hair line. The persons possessing round forehead are having intellectual ability, interested in arts. They are sharp minded. Such persons are well-behaved, delicate, simple, emotional and generous.

Upper Wide Forehead : The forehead, which is wide towards upper side and narrow towards the eyebrows, is called upper wide forehead. The persons having upper wide forehead are practical minded, logical, literary, generous and systematic. They have capacity to observe and analyse the facts. They give preference to wise and scientific bases than customs. They are independent and strong by nature.

5. Lower Wide Forehead : The forehead, which is narrow towards upper side and wide towards the eyebrow, is called lower wide forehead. The persons having such type of forehead are dependent, less intellect and superstitious. They have dearth of wisdom and reasoning. Such persons can easily get influenced by others. Other persons exploit them and they do not know about their exploitation.
This characteristic is mostly found in ladies, labourers, primitive races and mentally undeveloped persons. Such persons are simple ambitionless, conservative, fatalistic and slave minded. Their life and personality are not free; they are always dependent upon others.

6. Half Moon-shaped Forehead : The perspective of forehead constituted by the half moon-shaped hair line on the upper portion of forehead looks half moon-shape. The persons having half moon-shaped forehead are affectionate and fashionable. They have weakness for opposite sex. They are amorous and beauish by nature and try to expose themselves best and attractive before others. They are fond of expressing themselves good. They are thrasonic and uxorious.

7. Convex Forehead : The forehead, which is artistically slight projected frontward, is called convex forehead.
The persons having convex forehead are idealistic, cultured, simple hearted, wise, working according to the situation, bold, firm determined and sharp-minded. They have attractive personality. They are ideal, popular, happy, fond of leading grandeur life. Such persons are clairvoyant, learned of various subjects, thinker, philosopher, religious teacher, preacher, doctor, yoga teacher and scientist.

There is a remarkable difference between convex forehead and projecting forehead. It should be noticed that if the forehead is projecting abnormally, it signifies slightly undeveloped mental capacity or nervous disorder.
8. Concave Forehead : The forehead, of which middle portion is receded and upper and lower portions are slightly projected, is called concave forehead. Concave forehead represents strictness, immorality, amorousness and selfishness of the

person. The persons possessing concave forehead are self centred and suspicious. Such persons fascinate others for pacifying their passion and serving their purpose. They abandon them after attaining their goal. They are firm and healthy, diligent and laborious by nature. They try to be looked as civilised and honest. Such persons want to prove their importance in the society.