Formal Education

Education during that period was not systematised and bound to strict procedures. The rich preferred to give their children primary education at home. A student needed to take a customary test to join any class sub-matriculation. The rules were very lax and the headmasters or the principals had many privileges and powers.
So, master Radhakrishan also naturally took advantage of it as he himself was a teacher. And teaching his own son exclusively was a pleasure. The entire primary education was imparted at home to young Lajpat. The father and the son greatly enjoyed that period of teaching and learning.
For middle class education, Lajpat Rai was admitted into the Govt. school where Radhakrishan was himself a teacher. That factor earned Lajpat the respect of his classmates. Lajpat on his own was not a vane character. He was very helpful to his classmates in studies. Lajpat Rai passed the sixth class examination in 1878 when he was 13 years old.
Then, the Ropar school was closed down for some reason and Master Radhakrishan was jobless. Lajpat Rai was sent to Simla to continue his education. The education department was paying him a scholarship stipend which enabled him to take care of his expenses.
After Lajpat Rai, his mother had given birth to four sons and a daughter. The mother along with those five children were sent to her maternal home at Dodigram to stay there till Radhakrishan found a new employment. He also went to Simla in search of a job. He got one but it paid little. He could not afford to keep his family with him.
In the salubrious climate of Simla, Lajpat Rai studied hard and completed his middle class education in the year 1880 when he was 15 years old.

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