Here Jawaharlal was giving the message of peace and on the other hand some selfish nations were creating moves for another war. The whole world was divided into two powerful blocs—U.S.A. and Soviet Union. One was capitalist and the other was socialist. Both were the greatest enemies of each other. With their influence, the whole world was divided into two parts. Nehruji knew that, at any time their relation can became worst and lead to a war. If this happen, then the whole world will be destroyed with atomic and nuclear weapons and his greatest effort was to build friendly relations between them.
Suez canal is in Egypt and which extends upto Mediterranean sea. Firstly it was under the authority of Britain. In 1956, the President of Egypt, Nasser declared its nationalisation. This resulted in strong opposition by Britain, France and Israel and the enemies of these countries marched towards Egypt. Once again we were on the blink of third world war.
On the other hand a conflict arised between Soviet Union and Hungary. Soviet Union sent his army to attack Hungary. If any western country came forward to help Hungary, then surely there was to begin third world war.
At two places, there was a threat of world war and the messenger of peace was only one i.e., our Jawaharlal. Every peace-loving nation had an eye on him and he himself was also very worried about the consequences. What will happen to this world? How the fire of world war will be averted?
He in extreme grief gave a speech in Loksabha—“We are touched heartily on the incidents of Egypt; and the same is for Hungary. If there is attack on freedom anywhere, then our pain is but natural.”
After this all peace-living nations had taken his side, so lastly Britain, France, Israel and Russia stopped marching forward. In this way Jawaharlal again averted the possibility of a third world war.