Freddy the Proud Frog

Freddy the frog who always boasted about himself. Every animal living around was irritated with his behavior. They always made excuse to escape any encounter with him. “It is just impossible to talk to him”, said the chirpy sparrow. “I can’t stand Freddy!” every other animal used to say about the naughty proud frog. But Freddy didn’t mend his ways. “I am the wisest animal in this jungle! I can do anything and everything! I can cure any disease! I can cure any ailment,” claimed Freddy. One day, a clever fox heard him boasting about himself. When he couldn’t tolerate anymore, he began laughing loudly. “What’s the matter, Foxy? Why are you laughing so loudly?” asked the sparrow. Foxy stopped laughing, and said, “Look at Freddy! He can’t even walk; he has warts all over his body; he can’t even speak properly but he calls himself the smartest one. What a funny creature!” All the animals looked at Freddy and started laughing at him. Freddy now knew why the animals are laughing. He took a vow never to boast again.

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