Frogs, Flies and Hail

Moses and Aaron went back to the king and warned him that if he did not obey God and set free his people, all kinds of misfortunes would come to Egypt. But the king simply laughed and refused to pay any attention. God kept his promise and nine terrible disasters struck Egypt—all at God’s command. After each once, Moses went to the king and gave him the chance to change his mind and obey God. But every time the king hardened his heart. First, Moses raised his stick, on God’s orders, and the life-giving water of the River Nile, which supplied all Egypt, changed to thick, red, oozing liquid. Then frog came jumping out of the foul water and hopped everywhere, into the houses, the beds and the ovens. At first the court magicians copied Moses, showing what wonderful tricks they could perform. But they could do nothing to cleanse the Nile water, or get rid of the frogs. The king was sorry for himself. He promised Moses that he would let the people go if their God would only take away the frogs died. But the moment the trouble was over, the king changed his mind again and said, “No!” to Moses and to God.

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