From White to Black (Japan)

In those days when the world was new and young, the crow used to be of white colour with stylish feathers curled at ends. Once he went to an owl, who was dexterously known for his art of painting and urged the owl to colour him with very fine and unique colour. The owl led his customer into the dyeing room and put him into a pot of indigo. When the crow was taken out, the ends of his feathers had straightened out and he was glossy black.

The crow was furious. The owl reminded him that he had asked to be dyed in a unique colour but the crow refused to listen and gave the owl a vicious peck. The owl abandoned his business and fled. Since that day, the owl was habituated to escape from his infuriated friends and began to come out only at night to avoid the wrath of his dissatisfied customer.

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