Fruit Batteries (Creative Chemistry Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Citrus fruits (like lemons
    or oranges)
  2. Copper nail or wire (2
    inches at least)
  3. Zinc nail or screw
  4. Holiday lights or zero-
    watt bulb (with a lead of
    2 inches)
  5. Electrical tape


  1. Take any citrus fruit and roll it between your palms without breaking the skin so that the juices may be flowing inside.
  2. Take your copper nail and zinc nail and poke them through the fruit so that the two nails may be at least 2 inches apart.
  3. Take your holiday lights and remove the insulation at the end so that you may attach one wire to the copper nail and the other to the zinc nail.
  4. Attach them with electrical tape to hold them in place.


The moment you connect the second nail, the light should turn on. This is because citrus fruits are acidic and their juice helps to conduct electricity. If you want to further this experiment, try using other fruits or vegetables in your home to check which ones will conduct electricity.

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