Fun with Popcorn

Many of us eat popcorn when we watch a movie. Here is how you can make popcorn at home. All you need is some cooking oil, popping corns from the grocery and sugar. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a pan. Add two or three tablespoons of popping corns. You will find the grains swelling and popping. In order to prevent them from flying everywhere, put a lid on the pan when they start to swell. When the corns have popped, empty into a plate. Sprinkle some sugar on them and they are ready to eat. You can also use corns to make flowers. Take a drinking draw. Stick popcorns and cover half the stick. Make leaves from green paper and stick them on the bottom of the straw. You can put your flowers in a freezer dish, half filled with soil. Your indoor garden is ready.

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