Ganesha reached Amaravati and challenged Talasur for a fight. Talasur, under the sense of superiority, accepted the challenge. He even mocked how such a small fat creature could fight against him! He thought he would easily defeat Ganesha. But as the fight progressed, Ganesha seemed to overpower Talasur. He caught the demon in his trunk and smashed him on the ground. Talasur became unconscious. When Talasur came back to his senses, he realised that Ganesha had an elephant’s head! He thought, ‘I won’t be able to defeat Ganesha, so I had better surrender and save my life.’ He immediately fell at Ganesha’s feet and asked for forgiveness. He admitted that he had used his powers for destruction and he was repenting for that. Ganesha decided to forgive Talasur, but kept certain conditions before him. He ordered, “Talasur, you should at once leave Amaravati and spend your life peacefully in the netherworld!” Finally, Talasur left Amaravati and the gods got their abode back.
Ganesha Humbles Talasur