The terrified gods started worshipping Ganesha. They prayed with utmost dedication. They knew if Vishnu had said that Ganesha could help them, then it must be true. They wanted to get rid of Analasur, anyhow. Ganesha heard their prayers and appeared before them. He listened to all their woes and said, “All right! I shall help you all; do not worry.” Ganesha then transformed himself into a small boy and headed towards Analasur’s abode. The demon approached Ganesha slowly, while his eyes emitted fire. The surroundings around Ganesha were reduced into ashes within seconds! Ganesha stood bravely in front of Analasur. The demon, on seeing Ganesha, started laughing loudly. He said, “So this small creature is going to fight against me and defend the gods. Let us see!” Analasur started shooting fireballs at Ganesha, but he stood unscathed. A surprised Analasur then opened his mouth wide enough to swallow Ganesha. Ganesha showed his huge avatar and, in turn, gulped Analasur at one go! This was the end of the fire demon Anala. The delighted gods rained flowers down on Ganesha.
Ganesha Swallows Analasur