Gas Stove

Even though the gas stove remained an isolated experiment, its invention dates right back to the 1820s. It was in the year 1826 that James Sharp from Northampton, England, patented the gas stove. He opened up a factory of gas stoves in the year 1836. The gas stove was displayed at London’s World Fair in the year 1851. However, it did not leave much of an impact. The gas stove gained commercial success only in the 1880s; the main reason being that it was later on that the gas pipe network started to take shape.

The first ever gas stove was not so convenient as it is today, but after a lot of improvisation, when the oven got integrated into its base with a reduction in its size, it became a popular kitchen utility item. During the 1910’s many producers of the gas stove started enamelling them to make it easy for cleaning purpose. Gustaf Dalen, a Swedish Nobel prize winner invented the high-end gas stove, which was known as AGA cooker in the year 1922.

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