Getting What You Want

You are where you are in your life right now because of what you thought about in the past. If you’ll give that some serious thought, you’ll realize it is true. What you think about you bring about in your life. The power of thought is the one thing you can control, that will totally change your destiny, for either good or bad. You decide which one it will be!
No amount of training in your vocation will render the results you want if you don’t first reprogramme your thinking to receive the things that you want! If you want more money, a better home to live in and raise your family, a better car to drive, better relationships with family and friends, whatever it is that you truly want in your life, you will need to reprogramme your thoughts to acquire.
You can live the life of abundance in every area of your life.
So, are you getting what you want? If not, here are some simple steps you can take to change that.
 Fix your mind on the exact thing you want and why you want it.
 Determine exactly what you intend to give in return when you get it.
 Establish a date you will possess the desired thing.
 Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin right now.
 Write out a clear, concise statement of what you intend to acquire, the time limit, what you’ll give in return and the plan you’ll use to get there.
 Read your written statement out loud two times a day; morning and evening. See yourself as if it were real right now as you read it.

Andrew Carnegie said, “Any idea held in the mind, that is emphasized, either feared or revered, must begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical form available.”
If you think about that for a moment, you’ll see that it is true.
So take a few minutes today to think about that. If you’ll learn to control your thoughts, you will also control what shows up in your life.

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