Gideon Chooses His Army

Gideon had set up his army, and camped near a mountain spring. He knew the number of his army, as compared to the Midianites was quite less. He asked God, “Lord, my army is too small, and how do you think I can defeat them?” God reassured him of his victory and said that he had a strong army and there was no reason to lose heart. As per God’s instruction he called his army and asked those people to quit who were scared. He saw some of them quitting the war, which reduced his army strength. God assured him positively and said, “Gideon, you still have a huge and strong army.” Then God asked him to his men to drink water from the nearby mountain spring. Some of them lapped the water, while others scooped it. God asked him to choose only those who scooped water into his team. He was ultimately left with only three hundred army soldiers.

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