Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world.

They have long necks, long legs and unique spots.

Giraffes are social animals; they roam around in groups.
These groups are called ‘towers’.

Giraffes eat only plants. They use their long necks and tongues to
pull down leaves.

Male giraffes fight by butting their long necks and heads.
This is called ‘necking’.

Giraffes sleep only 5 to 30 minutes a day. They can even sleep
while standing up.

A giraffe’s tongue is dark in colour and it is so long that a giraffe
can clean its ears with it.

Giraffes’ height helps them to keep a look-out for predators,
such as lions and hyenas.

A giraffe can kick so hard that it can kill a lion.

A giraffe’s calf can stand up and walk within an hour of its birth.