God Calls Moses

Many years passed while Moses cared for the flocks of Jethro, his father-in-law. One day, the sheep and the goats were cropping the grass on the lower slopes of Mount Sinai. Moses looked up and saw a bush that seemed to be on the fire. He watched anxiously, in the case of fire should spread through the dry, and desert land. But, although the fire glowed bright, the bush stayed unharmed. Curious, Moses went nearer, to look more closely. Then he heard a voice coming from the heart of the fire. Moses knew at once that it was God’s voice.Moses obeyed, and then waited quietly. His heart beat fast and he covered his face with his cloak. “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” God said, “I have heard the groans and cries of my people who are slaves in Egypt and I am going to rescue them. You, Moses, are going to lead them out of Egypt and into the land that I promised to give to the descendants of Abraham.”

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