A poor girl named Stella lived with her mother. Stella helped her mother by taking the clothes off the clothesline, laying the table and cleaning her room. One day, Stella’s mother fell very ill. Stella heated up some milk and helped her mother drink it. But sadly, there was nothing else in the house for Stella to eat or drink, so she slept hungry. The next day, it was Christmas. Stella went to the church and prayed, “Jesus, please make my mother feel better. Please send your fairy to save my mother.” That night, as Stella and her mother slept, God sent His special fairy to bless them. The next morning, Stella saw that her mother was well and healthy. She also found a box full of gold coins on the kitchen table. Now, Stella knew that God had really sent a fairy for her help! She thanked God and also told her mother everything.
God Sends Fairy