Gone Missing Right Under Your Nose!

Carrie, Olivia, Johnathan, Micheal and Joel all went on a school camping trip. Due to rain, they couldn’t sleep in tents, so they were led up to the camp dorms. When they were shown to their rooms, which were directly across from each other, they were told that it was thirty minutes since lights were out. After Carrie had changed, she took out her favourite book and her laptop. She read until lights out. She put her book on top of her laptop and went to sleep. She woke up the next morning to find her laptop gone! She ran over to Olivia and grabbed both her hands; then she started to shake her, to wake her up. Olivia’s hand started to bleed and she explained that Carrie had opened a paper cut, even though Carrie had not seen a paper cut last night. Suddenly, they heard three sets of knocks and saw all three boys come in. She told them about her laptop until Johnathan changed the subject.
“Has either of you read that new novel about the detective’s cat? Joel was just telling me about it.”
“Um, yeah. It’s a really good book. I read it all last night,” said Joel to the girls.
Suddenly, Carrie yelled out, “Hey, I know who took my laptop! Hand it over, _!”
Who took Carrie’s laptop and how did she know?

Joel took Carrie’s laptop. He said that he had read a whole novel in one night. It was thirty minutes since lights were out. After they had arrived, he wouldn’t have had time to read the whole thing unless he turned the lights on. He read the book off of the Internet on Carrie’s computer over the night.

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