Good for Your Heart

One afternoon, Samantha and her daughter, Sandy, went out for lunch. When the waitress brought their order, Sandy thanked God for the food as she always did. The people present in the restaurant were amazed at this. However, a lady rudely commented, “Thanking God for an ice-cream! How ridiculous!” Hearing this, Sandy started crying. While Samantha tried to console her, an old woman came up to their table. “God really loved your prayer, my child!” she said to Sandy, “I guess that lady never asks God for an ice-cream. Sometimes, a little ice-cream is good for your heart.” A little later, while getting up, the rude lady fell off her chair. Sandy ran over and helped her get up. “Take my ice-cream. It will be good for your heart. Mine is good already!” Sandy said to her. The lady said, “I am so sorry for my rudeness. You truly have a good heart!” Sandy smiled and went back to her mother.

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