There were two friends named Sojal and Ojal. One day, Ojal said to Sojal, “Let us bury our wealth in the forest. If we keep it with us, it will get spent or stolen.” The friends went to the forest and buried their wealth under a tree. At nightfall, Ojal stole all the money. In the morning, he said to Sojal, “How dare you steal the money? You have to give me half of what was buried.” Sojal said, “No, my friend. I am not a thief.” Ojal said, “I will go to the court.” Then he went to his father and said, “I have stolen Sojal’s money and now the case is going to the court. When the judge asks you tomorrow, say that Sojal is the thief.” Next day, in the court, Ojal’s father said, “Sir, Ojal is the thief. I will not support him even if he is my son.”
Good Wins over Evil