Gracie, the deer, hopped, skipped and jumped. She loved grass.
She was a lover of Nature.

She loved flowers, trees, birds, colourful butterflies and fresh air.

Gracie also had a lovely garden in her house. One could see pretty flowers, fruit-
laden trees and beautiful green grass.

Before going to school, Gracie used to water her garden every day and took great care of it.

In the evening, Gracie and her friends used to go to a nearby park to play.

The park was Gracie’s favourite as it had lovely trees and flowers.
It was home to many beautiful birds.

Gracie told her friends, “This park is so lovely. We will always come here.”
Her friends agreed.

Then came a time when Gracie got busy with her exams.
She did not get time to go and play in the park.

It was only after her exams had got over that Gracie could visit the park.

But the excited Gracie was in for a surprise when she entered the park.
The park looked deserted.

It had lost its greenery. Most of the flowers had dried up. Very few plants remained.
The lovely green grass had turned yellow.

There were no birds in the park. A strange silence had come over the park.
This was too much for Gracie.

She went up to the guard and asked him, “Mr. Guard, what happened to the greenery?”

Mr. Guard replied, “The gardener who used to look after the park has left. Now,
there is no one to take care of the park.”

Gracie was pained to hear this. She immediately made up her mind to do something about it.

The next day, she called a meeting of her friends and told them what she wanted to do.

Gracie and her friends marched into the park. They planted many trees and flowers.
They started watering the plants regularly.

Soon their hard work paid off. The park regained its greenery.
One could hear the chirpings of birds again.

People started coming to the park. Everyone praised Gracie and her friends for their selfless work.

The President of the society awarded Gracie and her friends with the medals of honour.
Moral : Nothing is impossible if you set your heart on it.