Great cry, little wool (Dynamic School Proverbial Stories)

Johnson was a boastful shopkeeper. He would boast of big achievements, but do very little work to achieve his goals. One day he opened up a jewellery shop in a hi-fi market. He boasted of most precious jewellery available in his shop. He decorated his shop with beautiful antiques and fountains, but since he didn’t have much knowledge about jewellery, he only kept a few pearls and gems in the shop. There was no gold, silver, diamond in the shop. Since he was boastful by nature, he would boast a lot of his jewellery pieces but there was nothing available in the shop. He would send sales executives to attract people. He gave many advertisements in the newspapers and magazines to tempt people for his jewellery. Many people who got allured by the advertisements came to buy jewellery from him but went away after finding nothing valuable in the shop. Johnson suffered huge losses due to his foolish behaviour. Now he realised that one should not boast about oneself, else one lands up into miseries.
MoralSome people show-off much and do very little. They land up into miseries.

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