Grow Some Bacteria (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Long cotton string
  2. 4 small glass jars with lids
  3. 2 cups of hot water
  4. Marker
  5. 1 packet of unflavoured gelatine
  6. Small spoon

Try this fun experiment to see how bacteria exist and how they cultivate.


                1.            Firstly, sterilize your glass jars and dry them out.

                2.            Mix one packet of gelatine in 2 cups of hot water and stir by spoon till dissolved.

                3.            Fill each jar half way with the gelatine mixture. Keep the leftover aside.

                4.            Close one jar and with a marker write ‘CONTROL’.

                5.            Cut three 8″ pieces of string.

                6.            Dip strings in leftover gelatine until   they are fully submerged.

                7.            Take 3 gelatine-covered strings together and drag them through specific areas. (For e.g. your fingertips and toenails, on the bathroom floor and doorknob.)

                8.            Place the string samples, in the remaining 3 jars. Do not mix the samples.

                9.            Label the jars and shut them tightly.

                10.          Observe the jars for a week.


Colonies of bacteria will begin to grow in the jars, excepting in the CONTROL jar. Due to its high protein-content, the gelatine helps to cultivate the bacteria, which are found almost everywhere. Take the experiment further by noting the effects of change in the temperature of the bacteria, by placing one jar in the fridge.

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